Saturday, May 4, 2024

Painted Iron Warriors Spartan Land Raider

This tank has been hanging over me for years silently pleading to be painted. The task is now done to a tabletop standard! Featuring quite a few decals, some hazard stripes, and otherwise plenty of silver and black, the Spartan land raider is unmistakably Iron Warriors.

I would be lying if I said I enjoyed painting all the rivets. I started with a few and then realized my mistake! Oh well, at least it shows some attention to detail if nothing else! Very happy with how it has turned out and I might well add on some more weathering (there's quite a lot at the lower edges of the tank, but thinking that the tracks could do with some as well potentially). Job done to a good enough standard regardless. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sanctioner Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Love this unit and I'm not sorry!

Snipers on the open field. And executioners when working alone; seeking to take out those psykers whom the Sisters have earmarked as being too dangerous to take in alive.

Think of this as a cheap sniper squad, and you have the right idea. They come armed as standard with nemesis bolt guns which they fire with BS=4 and therefore makes them highly attractive. These can be swapped out for Vratine Nemesis Bolt guns which gives you access to psy-shock at the cost of a pip in strength. If you're facing a psychic army like certain builds of Word Bearers, Thousand Sons, and similar, you're just going to make your friends cry. I'd be tempted to slot in an augury scanner to round out the unit, and if you're feeling that they're going to be too far forward, then take a power sword on the Mistress for a bit of added self defence. 


Sanctioners x5, Augury Scanner (95 points).
The base build. Can't go too wrong with this as the battlefield role is clear, obvious, and the points cost so very attractive.

Sanctioners x5, all with Vratine Nemesis Bolt Guns, Augury Scanner, Mistress with Power Sword (130 points).
Your anti-Thousand Sons build. And look at the points that it clocks in with. Still very attractive!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Termite Assault Drill

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Its amazing that the termite comes as a standard fast attack slot in the Sisters army list. 

Tunnel through the ground and then burst upward with righteous fury! Great for assaulting any fortified positions that the enemy might have going! Great that is can also scatter enemy forces upon emergence without waiting for their cargo to deploy. 

Most of this review is identical to the Legion list, but of course here the Termite comes with the Chamber of Vigilance rules. 

Termites provide an underground alternative to deep striking units in to play. One of the chief advantages here is that the player can cause them to erupt near enemy units and score hits on those units at a significant strength (but AP=4). 

Unlike drop pods, the termite can continue to move after launching its deep strike (subterranean assault move) and fire its weapons and so forth. 

I genuinely like this manner of assaulting and it works well if you have just one of them, and perhaps use it in conjunction with more traditional deep strike units to create an underground and overground pincer movement. Maybe that's just me though (I've had good success with this using my Alpha Legion). 

Rear armour is 10, and do carefully read the subterranean assault rules if you have more than one of these units as you will see that the enemy can take control of your deployment on an unlucky roll.

There are only 2 upgrades to consider - the replacement of the two sets of twin-linked bolters with either twin-linked volkite chargers, or heavy flamers. Candidly both of them work nicely against nearby enemies - and why wouldn't you have nearby enemies if you've emerged on top of, or close to them! I kind of like the flamers ever so slightly better as I think in some situations you can score more hits, but also they act as a nice defensive arrangement as well. Equally, the volkites have the superior range for after that first turn after emerging I guess. A tough choice really. Points cost effective overall in the main part for me.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Subjugator Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Sisters on jetbikes are all kinds of good.

Disabling targets at key weak points ... well, I was going to say something of import here. But. Let's be honest. Sisters of Silence on Jetbikes is all the background that is really needed!

Lightning fast - they move at 18 inches per turn. This is mind blowing and can really help the player get into the right position for the chosen battlefield role. The points cost is also very attractive even with the T=3, and W=2. 

I see two main roles for the bikes: snaring targets and keeping them pinned (this will grate on opponents eventually, so beware if you're wanting to make friends) and plausibly tank killing. 

Having shrouded on the bike is all good as well, but it might not save you. 

T=3. Other than that, this is actually a nice unit!

Subjugator x3, Mistress with power weapon (115 points).
The annoying unit that uses snares to ping units of your choice all game long. Just beware of return fire.

Subjugator x5, all with Adrathic destructor (205 points).
Thanks to armourbane, this is your tank killing unit.

Subjugator x5, all with Needle cannons (180 points).
I like the poisoned with pinning combination quite a lot here. If it doesn't kill or rout the unit, then they will be staying put for you. You could double the number of jetbikes here if you like, the points cost is entirely reasonable to do so. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Emperor's Children Apothecary Painted

An Emperor's Children Apothecary with jump pack, fully painted up!

As usual, white is a tricky colour to get right when painting. Here I have gone for an off-white colour with shading to help bring out the muted white nature of the apothecary. The purple is not so much of a problem to get looking right, and the other colours are generally fine. I did use a bit of blood technical paint for some of the vials, and this has also turned out very nicely. 

This miniature will accompany the assault squad and the praetor / consul for the detachment that I'm building. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Firebrand Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, but rounded down. Needs something extra to be a solid pick, or lower points cost.

Deny the enemy and escape route. Purge the abhumans who possess the taint of chaos. And generally use flame based weapons. Lots. 

They come with flamers as base and can take the nice compression tanks or snare guns to taste (as well as grenade launchers).

Ideally, you're putting them in a transport and going from there.

The reason why this unit won't see much play is multifold.

(a) the points cost is a bit too high for what they're doing;
(b) they really need infiltrate or similar to work well;
(c) even scouting would work;
(d) a different Chamber to Judgement would be better.

For these reasons, combined with the off builds, I just can't see them being played that much even in fluffier lists. 

Firebrands x5, all with flamers and compression tanks, Mistress with power weapon (130 points).
They'll need a transport. I remain a fan of snare guns and they provide an interesting play tactic (get in your transport, snare a target, and let another unit finish it off). The grenade launchers are sound enough in premise as well. 

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